Food is one of the basic necessities for survival, unfortunately 70% of India’s population suffers from malnutrition. Ekya, along with the youth of our country aims to provide comfort, care and happiness through nutritious meals given to the underprivileged in our society. With centres in 6 cities across India we aim to provide food in specific places that are not well looked after and to the people in dire need of support and food for growth and survival. Ekya Foundation thus represents the unity of our youth to come together to eradicate hunger and malnutrition by serving the lesser fortunate in India. Our uniqueness lies in our will to make our nation better as the youth and play our role as citizens to help all those people who sleep hungry every single night.
Government hospitals serve as one of our main locations in all the hubs due to the need for care and comfort required by underprivileged patients and their families members suffering distress who tend to starve themselves and stay hungry in order to pay hospital bills and afford medicines. Your smallest of contributions will support us to feed the family members and loved ones of the underprivileged patients admitted in government hospitals.